
Showing posts from July, 2021

Choosing Joy

It's Friday morning, and I am exhausted. I didn't sleep much last night and woke up with a headache. Luckily, I didn't have to bring the kiddos to summer camp this morning since I had to be home for the repair person to come fix my washer. I am happy to report that the washer is now working perfectly, and the job to fix it literally took like 5 minutes. Go figure. Ha. I feel like I should've been doing a million other things by now since it's lunchtime. I have my workout clothes on, and I was honestly ready to rip my rowing machine to shit, but nope. I should've probably started a load of laundry or mopped the floors or cleaned my bathrooms or make beds. Also, nope. Didn't get any of that nonsense done either. I sat down at the dining room table and ate some breakfast while trying to figure out my plan of action, but all I could focus on was the thought that I really needed to meditate. So I went up to my bedroom, got comfy, and I completed a body scan medit...

Feeling and Burning

 It's been quite a busy week. Two of the three kiddos have been attending an English-speaking summer camp which requires a half hour bike ride each way. I've been biking roughly two hours per day this week, and I'll be damned if I don't have an ass and thighs of steel by Friday afternoon. I love the workout though. The weather has been absolutely gorgeous, and I really have been enjoying the ability to be outside in nature and clear my head a bit. It's been necessary, too, because I have found myself all up in my feelings and struggling a bit last night and this morning. (Thank you, horm ones!... #sorrynotsorry for the TMI). I am not down or hopeless or something like that. I am also not depressed. I just...I guess I am feeling a bit meh at the moment. I find myself missing certain people, questioning my relationships, becoming a little anxious and unsure about my upcoming birthday, etc. I know it's just a wave of emotions, and I really do need to get out of my ...

Crossing the Line

You're probably thinking, "Jess, you literally just posted a new blog late last night. Why another one already?!"  Well, listen. Haha. I guess I have a lot to say lately. Not that this is something new for those of you who know me personally, but there are just some cool and exciting things happening in my life that I feel sharing with all of you.  I have been on a journey for quite some time. I am sure you've gathered that from reading anything on this site so yeah. There have been and continue to be some bumps in the road, but I am just amazed at how each and every one of them has turned into a blessing that has propelled me further along. Lots of tears have been shed, both of joy and sorrow, healing and peace. It's been a good season these past months, and I am really excited about the season I am entering into. I will be turning the big 4-0 next month. Oh my gawd. I remember back when my mother turned 40. We celebrated her big day at my uncle's house, and ...

A Million Little Miracles

Miracles, signs, wonders. I have become accustomed to hearing these words throughout the years of my evangelical Christian journey, but these are terms that I had hidden away in the back of my mind when I left that faith back in January 2019. It wasn't until recently that these precious words would begin swirling again in my mind and heart.  It was a Monday morning while I was walking back home from dropping my second and youngest kids off at school. It's literally like a 2-minute walk from my doorstep to the schoolyard so it's more of a skip, hop and a jump, but you get the idea. I almost always follow the sidewalk that follows behind the back entrances of the gardens of my neighbors. While walking back, I was greeted by a neighbor of mine (we'll call her E) who was rustling around with her bicycle to prepare to go pick up groceries. This woman is probably in her 70's, and she and her husband are the sweetest people on the planet. My oldest son used to be in the sa...

Soar, Ascend, Fly, Free

I was in the bus this morning on my way to the chiropractor, and I was listening to some music on my phone and just meditating on life. Something you must know about me is that I often get random, sporadic, and yet powerful thoughts during the weirdest times. These profound thoughts and often times words of encouragement and motivation come while I'm standing under the shower, sitting in the bus, folding laundry, or even when I am in the midst of other people and do what I normally do and drift away into my head. So as I was listening to this one song, these beautiful words came to me: "This is your break OUT and break THROUGH season."  Now, I believe in God and the power of the Universe, and I believe that God and the Universe (or whoever or whatever you want to call Him/Her/Them/It) speaks to us as humanity as a whole but also on an individual basis. I consider myelf a very spiritual person still even after I left Christianity behind in 2019. So when those words came to...