
Showing posts from April, 2022

I'm Alive, I Promise

 It's been a long time coming. Returning to "the spotlight" in a sense and sharing parts of my journey with you all after having gone on a deliberate hiatus feels...well...a bit strange, if I am being completely honest with myself. If I was to go back and read some of my older posts right now, I honestly don't think I would recognize much of that woman from "before." Before what, you ask? Well, let's just say that I took these past several months to go inward, to take the time to purposely search within myself and try to make sense of my life, my journey, the season I have been in and frankly just try to understand me.  Now I am sure you're wondering what I've been up to all of this time that I have been silent. I suppose I will share a few things with you, but honestly I have to admit that I have enjoyed the peace and quiet, having very limited access to social media and just focusing on the everyday life that's in front of me when I get out