
Showing posts from January, 2023

2023: My Yes Year

First and foremost, Happy New Year 2023! It's January 1st again. Wow! Can you believe it? How does time just seem to keep flying by? I also realize that the last time I wrote here was about 4 months ago. Yeesh. I do hope that I will have more opportunity to write more frequently this upcoming year because I do have a lot to say (but that's probably old news...haha!).  In previous years, I have usually written a blog post on December 31st to reflect on the past year and also share what I am looking forward to the upcoming year. This time, I felt obliged to do this a bit differently. Ya know, shake things up a little. A little change never killed anyone, right? Hehe. If you follow me on Instagram (betweenthetalltrees), you will find a post that's a bit of self-reflection in regards to my gratitude for some of things I have experienced as well as lessons learned in 2022. It was actually really nice to be able to list all of those things and really ponder what 2022 has brought ...