
Showing posts from January, 2023

2023: My Yes Year

First and foremost, Happy New Year 2023! It's January 1st again. Wow! Can you believe it? How does time just seem to keep flying by? I also realize that the last time I wrote here was about 4 months ago. Yeesh. I do hope that I will have more opportunity to write more frequently this upcoming year because I do have a lot to say (but that's probably old news...haha!).  In previous years, I have usually written a blog post on December 31st to reflect on the past year and also share what I am looking forward to the upcoming year. This time, I felt obliged to do this a bit differently. Ya know, shake things up a little. A little change never killed anyone, right? Hehe. If you follow me on Instagram (betweenthetalltrees), you will find a post that's a bit of self-reflection in regards to my gratitude for some of things I have experienced as well as lessons learned in 2022. It was actually really nice to be able to list all of those things and really ponder what 2022 has brought