
Showing posts from June, 2022

Embracing Change

Well, I am currently sitting in bed recovering from a stomach flu that I apparently got from my youngest kiddo so I figured I would take a moment and say hello.  Life has been a whirlwind, and that is an understatement. I am pretty sure I have said this somewhere on this blog before, but here it is...again. I have been beyond busy, wearing millions of different hats and just trying to get my head on straight while also making sure that none of said hats fly away in the wind. It's all been wonderful stuff that's been happening the past several weeks though, and I am extremely grateful.  I guess perhaps the most obvious of things that happened is that I started a coaching and counselling practice. (And yes, Americans, I do realize that the word, "counselling" has two "L's" and not one. I have chosen to adopt the British spelling.) ;-) I had been contemplating for a while when I would take the plunge, and it all kind of happened perhaps sooner and a bit dif